The Very Best Of Talk Talk (2LP)
Pre-Order, released on: 03/14/2025
On Vinyl For The First Time
With a career spanning just 10 years, Talk Talk left an everlasting impact and legacy on music with a relatively short career. Starting out as a synth-pop group, with singles like "Talk Talk" and one of the biggest songs of the 80s in "It's My Life." Talk Talk continued to experiment and challenge themselves all along their career whilst maintaining critical success with albums such as THE COLOUR OF SPRING and SPIRIT OF EDEN. With the latter, they went on to pioneer what then became known as post-rock and is critically acclaimed a masterpiece to this day.
Changes to the original 1997 release puts Talk Talk’s greatest hits in chronological order and with a new inclusion from the band’s final album, LAUGHING STOCK.
Side A:
1) Talk Talk
2) Today (Single Version)
3) Have You Heard The News?
4) It's My Life
5) Such A Shame (Original Version)
Side B:
1) Dum Dum Girl
2) Life's What You Make It
3) Living In Another World
4) Give It Up
Side A:
1) April 5th
2) Time It's Time
3) I Believe In You (Single Version)
Side B:
1) Eden (Edit)
2) Wealth
3) New Grass